Wednesday, October 21, 2009

So. Many. Nerds.

T-Dex and I are kinda nerdish at times - especially when it comes to history, volcanoes, excruciating and bizarre deaths, and freakish preservation of past horrors. In fact, all of these are themes that run strongly through 'Pisces, Arise'. Except for the bit about volcanoes... although, if we were to pretend that Kiera's house was actually inside a giant volcano, that would explain the extreme overlighting in the kitchen scenes.

Anyway, needless to say, we were both over the moon when the Pompeii exhibition came to the Melbourne Museum.

We've put off visiting the exhibition for a while, largely due to the fact that we're both hugely popular and have rich, full social lives. Either that, or we both work too much and have developed anxieties about large crowds and social situations.

But, with the last weekend looming, we decided to head out tonight. Since I hate lining up for anything, I thought I'd go online and book tickets - only to find that the exhibition is so vastly popular that they've divided the days up into hour-long blocks, which need to be pre-booked. And the only remaining slots were 6am Saturday morning, or 10pm Saturday night.

What gives?
Since when did Mt Vesuvius gain such rock-star acclaim? Even the Star Wars exhibition at Scienceworks hasn't garnered the need to allocate timeslots - and there are some pretty awesome Star Wars nerds out there.

So, come 10pm Saturday night, you'll find us at the Melbourne Museum, pre-booked ticket in hand, to see a bunch of wine jars, volcano-simulators, and bits of plaster cast...probably gibbering like idiots because we're so damn excited. And because it's the latest we've been out on a Saturday night for months.

If that doesn't make us the coolest creative team in Melbourne, then I don't know WHAT does.

1 comment:

  1. My comment before got lost in the 'inter' bit of the net... it was to thank youse for my new favourite phobia: the bird-dropping-poisonous-snake-into-sun-roof one!
