Monday, October 19, 2009

Not Actually Us.

The Excordis that you find here is not actually us...although they are the reason that we cannot purchase our domain name of choice.

Contrary to popular belief, we are a bunch of people who like writing and producing things, and not some kind of service aimed at people with enough time and cash to laze around in the Mediterranean.

This particular Excordis should, however, consult a Latin dictionary before naming their next business.


  1. Oh man! Don't worry, there are only a gazillion or so Harry Potter fans taking up Latin with renewed vigour in schools.. and probably regretting it!

    WAND-WAVING KID: "Expecto Patronum!"
    ME: "Expelliarmus!"
    WAND-WAVING KID: "Ummmma - I'm telling my mum!"

    Excordis is very medieval-sounding. Even medical or anatomical? "Here, at the base of the patella, the surgeon separates the minor excordis lateralis from the minor distal parabola..."

  2. We wanted something that sounded serious and official yet, like ourselves, was actually pretty stoooopid behind the facade. Hence - bring on the online Latin dictionary.
